
Green Ninjas

A small team of Iranian activists calling themselves Green Ninja are roaming the night, painting symbols and slogans of the Green Revolution in an Iranian city.
An example of Sea of Green revolutionary graffiti. I cannot confirm this piece is done by Green Ninjas and not some other group of graffiti activists.
Saturday night they went out to do their thing, but returned with unfinished business, as the streets were swarming with Basiji.

Tonight they had more luck and report back:
Once again there was a heavy presence of Basij, but we suceeded in painting green victory sings on walls.
June 28 2009

Following the report of the result of the recount of the Iranian election results violent protests broke out.

This report comes from the group of activists:

I am tired, very tired.... tonight we are staying home. We need to rest. Tomorrow we take action again.
June 29 2009

An example of Sea of Green revolutionary graffiti. I cannot confirm this piece is done by Green Ninjas and not some other group of graffiti activists.
Apparently the Green Ninja spokesman had trouble falling asleep, so around 3:30 AM Tehran Time on June 28, following the GC announcement of Ahmadinejad's presidency, he uploaded a YouTube manifesto, a message to the police: Revolt.
"This is my massage to the police: You must serve and protect The People of Iran. This is my massage to the armed forces, your allegiance is to your nation and it's people, do not forget that.

Wake up and throw out the arab basiji invaders. They have violated our country, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. They are killing Iranians while you are silent."
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